داستان آبیدیک

quorum certificate


1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: مجوز حدنصاب

In each round, a validator takes the role of leader and proposes a block of transactions to extend a certified sequence of blocks (see quorum certificates below) that contain the full previous transaction history. The leader gathers these votes to form a quorum certificate (QC), which provides evidence of 2f +1 votes for this block and broadcasts the QC to all validators. A block at round k is committed if it has a QC and is confirmed by two more blocks and QCs at rounds k + 1 and k + 2. Within an epoch, clients do not need to synchronize every QC. Since a committed QC contains a binding commitment to all previous states, a client only needs to synchronize to the latest available QC in its current epoch.

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